Funding the future of public transit
Last year, amid the pandemic, riders across the country pulled together and won $15 billion to #SaveTransit from doomsday service cuts.
Now we’re fighting for the funding to secure the future of our public transit system, and ensure that it’s resilient, sustainable, and accessible for all New Yorkers.
The pandemic showed us how critical transit is to the health of our city.
As we look towards recovery, we need a well-funded system more than ever.
What we’re fighting for
We're fighting for federal funding for the MTA to deliver frequent, reliable, accessible subways and electric buses without hiking fares and threatening service cuts. We’re building off the success we’ve had at the state level: In the last few years, riders successfully pushed for Albany to pass the first-ever U.S. congestion pricing plan, which will result in more than $1 billion annually towards modernizing our transit system.
Why it matters
After decades of disinvestment in public transit, riders regularly experience spiraling delays, endless wait times, and rising fares. Many riders face unacceptable barriers to basic access, particularly people with disabilities, families with children, and low-income New Yorkers. Riders have been left stranded, but we’re not waiting to be rescued - we’re getting organized!
The choices that our elected leaders make now will determine whether we face a “doomsday” scenario of service cuts and fare hikes, or enter a new era of unprecedented opportunity and improvements to our public transit system. We're calling on legislators from Washington to Albany to stand up for riders and help us build a more equitable transit system that serves our most transit-dependent communities. We demand an accessible and resilient public transit system, with state-of-the-art infrastructure, lower fares, shorter wait times, and faster service. Securing adequate funding is a critical first step to bringing every one of these goals to life.
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Get involved
Our #TransformTransit campaign brings together riders from across New York City to demand radical change and reinvestment in our communities.