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Bus Ridealong for #6MinuteService with Assembly Member Anderson

#6MinuteService isn’t just for the subway!

Bus riders in Southeast Queens face some of the worst commutes in the city, with long, unpredictable waits and trips that require multiple transfers. Luckily, fast, reliable bus service is within our reach as support for #6MinuteService and #BetterBuses grows amongst our state legislators.

We’re so pleased to be joined by Assembly Member Khaleel Anderson for a bus ridealong through Southeast Queens from Jamaica to Far Rockaway to demonstrate challenges riders face in navigating the district, and to highlight the urgent need to invest in better bus service.

Riders, join us on Thursday, January 19 to speak with Assembly Member Anderson and help amplify our push for #6MinuteService in this year’s state budget!

December 11

Governor Hochul's Waiting Room

January 31

All Member Meeting