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Reports & Resouces

  • Better Buses for Flatbush Avenue: Participatory Research Report

    We partnered with Pratt Center for Community Development to conduct a Participatory Action Research project in order to better understand the economic, social, health, and other community impacts of current bus service on Flatbush Avenue, potential improvements, and the costs of delaying those improvements.

  • New York's Highway Heist

    New York spends more than $5 billion on projects that widen highways — in the nation’s largest city! It’s time for DOT to cut vehicle miles traveled and invest in transit, biking and walking to provide freedom of access and mobility.

  • Driven to Sue: A Riders Guide to Congestion Pricing Lawsuits

    Frivolous lawsuit from the likes of second-homeowners and New Jersey highway fanboys are threatening the timely implementation of congestion pricing. Our report has the breakdown on the 3 big lawsuits jamming up the courts.

  • 6 Reasons for #6MinuteService

    Today's transit service isn't meeting the needs of today's transit riders. Learn why increased frequency, all day, every day, is necessary to help riders and build a more sustainable, equitable city.

  • 2022 Riders Plan for Public Safety

    Amid mounting safety concerns, we propose a root causes approach to transportation, housing, healthcare and policing solutions to make a subway where everyone feels safe, welcome, and included.

  • Bus Lane Tracker

    Mayor Adams promised at least 150 miles of new bus lanes by the end of his term in 2025. We’re keeping track of his progress and holding him accountable to getting stuff done for bus riders.

  • 2022 Riders Agenda for New York

    We’re calling on the Governor to adopt a #RidersAgenda to stop the fare hike, deliver 6-minute subway and bus service, double accessibility, and implement congestion pricing ASAP.

  • Bus Rider Blues

    Real stories from 50 New Yorkers on what it’s like riding the slowest Buses in America, collected at bus stops across the city in 2021.

  • New Leaders, Better Buses

    We’re calling on new city and state leaders for ambitious plans to deliver faster, more reliable, and more frequent buses. Read about our agenda for making meaningful improvements to citywide bus service.

  • 2021 Subway Signal Delays

    Subway signal problems delay four out of five of our morning commutes. More than ever, we need the modern, reliable, accessible, subway system to efficiently move New Yorkers and bring ridership back.

  • 2021 NYC Bus Report Cards

    How does your bus stack up in terms of speed and reliability? Is it getting better or worse? Check out the Bus Turaround Coalition’s annual report cards to find out.

  • 2020 Doomsday on the MTA

    COVID-19 brought financial devastation to New York’s public transit system. We examined three scenarios of the damage that federal austerity would inflict on riders without adequate funding for service or system upgrades.

  • Austerity Will Hit Bus Riders, Black NYers, and Healthcare Workers Hardest

    In the face of doomsday transit cuts, millions of New Yorkers will be stranded. But the burden of these cuts will be born by those who are least able to afford them.