Riders are suing Governor Hochul

If you’re reading this, you likely already know the deal: Governor Hochul has taken it upon herself to “indefinitely pause” congestion pricing, a program mandated by state law, to disastrous effect. As of writing, more than $16.5 billion for new transit projects has been delayed if not lost as millions of additional vehicles dump tons of carbon dioxide and pollutants into our air.

Since the Governor announced the pause in June, we’ve activated thousands of riders: rallying in the streets, marching the halls of Albany, testifying before the MTA Board, and flooding inboxes and phone lines nonstop for nearly two months. Despite this, the Governor seems keen to double down on a decision that cuts critical investments to make traveling in New York City safer, more reliable, accessible, and equitable. And she continues to turn her back on the city.  

So, where does that leave us as riders? Well, for the first time in our organization’s history, riders are taking an issue to court. 

Represented by the ace legal team at Earthjustice, Riders Alliance will serve as a plaintiff in a lawsuit to demand that the Governor comply with her sacred duty to uphold the law as passed by our duly-elected legislature, and reverse the harm she has done to millions of New Yorkers. Watch our Executive Director, Betsy Plum’s announcement this morning!

This is the first time that Riders Alliance has ever sued an elected leader, and we don’t take the decision lightly. But New York’s six million transit riders have a critical stake in the sustainability of our bus and subway system and we must use every tool in our toolbox to demand the future that we deserve. 

The lawsuit will look at how the Governor’s 11th hour reversal on the congestion pricing program jeopardizes New York City by canceling necessary subway improvements, increasing dangerous traffic, increasing emergency wait times, and delaying progress toward our climate goals of cleaner air and healthier communities. This includes our landmark state climate law that has set clear goals to drastically reduce emissions that the Governor has confirmed, on record, she has no intention of fulfilling (if we miss them by a few years, she says, who cares?). Lucky for us, the Governor isn’t a dictator and cannot pick and choose which laws she wants to follow.

If the needs of millions of New York City transit riders who put Governor Hochul in office aren’t enough to compel her to uphold the law, then the courts will have to.

Now, let’s be real, litigation is expensive (and organizing isn’t free either!). This new bold move will demand new energy and resources. Help keep the fight for congestion pricing going strong on every front with a donation. Any and all support will make a difference!


#BetterBuses are coming to Flatbush Avenue!


Read the report: New York’s Highway Heist